Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Love

The time has come to post about my annual Labor Day festivities. For past year information, you can click here or here.

My friend Dave and I decided to change the location of this year's party to somewhere a bit closer to the Bay Area, so we went to Pajaro Dunes, just south of Santa Cruz. Really great place for a weekend getaway. We had about 50 people there with us and I think that everyone had a blast. Here's a picture of me standing behind the bar on Friday night at our Welcome Mixer. I got all sneaky and stole pictures from facebook of everyone who was attending and with the help of some friends, put them up on the wall behind the bar. I think it was a hit and seriously - didn't take much time at all! I bought all sorts of fancy juices from Trader Joe's and then "watered" them down with sprite, put them in plastic margarita glasses with an umbrella and wa-la! Really, it turned out great, so thanks for those who gave me suggestions!

On Saturday we had a volleyball tournament and while I was just a spectator, it was fun to be out on the beach and the fog even lifted by mid-afternoon so that everyone could get some sun! I had such a nice time just relaxing and chatting with friends in the sand! Here I am with Liz, just chillin.

I was so well behaved during this trip. Even though it was the middle of the night and a few of us were still awake, we were just busy laughing and having a good old time. See? Here I am - just being innocent little me.

It was almost like I turned from Cinderella's carriage back into a pumpkin. It became 4am and I decided to show Steve what a hoover pig is.

I blame it on the late afternoon nap, personally. Or maybe it was the diet coke I had to drink at 11pm. You be the judge.


Amy said...

Wait, what exactly is a hoover pig? It sounds slightly alarming...

Krissy said...

lol ... Can I just tell you I'm so jealous of your fun life!?!? Really. I am. How are you? You seem to be doing flawlessly well! :D And um .. what is a hoover pig? lol