Monday, July 17, 2006

She hates me

When I first moved to San Francisco, I had no idea about the demographic of people who I'd be going to church with. I knew that there was a dental school here in the city, but who knew that I'd know what a lateral is two years later and be able to get something off my tooth when someone says "Its there on your lateral." Hm. Along with the demographic of dental students, there used to be a very large population of women in their 30's. This number has been decreasing over the past few months as some have moved away and others have started attending family wards(even though the age of our ward is 18-35). Let me first say that I moved to San Francisco from Provo, where I felt old at 22. Looking back I think that that is quite hilarious, but that's beside the point. So the very first day that I went to church, I went to eat dinner at Break the Fast. I didn't know a soul. Two very nice girls invited me to sit with them. We talked about how I didn't have a job and what I wanted to do, and I asked one of them how long she'd been in San Francisco. When she said 8 years, it took me off guard. She looked like she was 25, so I said "Oh, how old are you?" Oops. Honestly, she stared at me. Never answered. We've never spoken since that day. I felt like an idiot, so I got up from the table and left the building. I had no idea that she was so bitter and I didn't say anything rude! So I'm here to tell you all today that I looked up her age on LDS Linkup and she's 34.


Steph said...

Good idea.

Betsy said...

This post makes me feel weird.

Steph said...

bets, its not you. no worries.

Betsy said...

Phew! I totally thought you might have thought I was 34, which I'm not, I'm 31. If I was 34 I would be so bitter!