Monday, October 2, 2006

Right back in the swing of things

There are a few things that I wanted to post about today, but I think that I'll combine them all into one lovely post for your viewing pleasure.
1. On Saturday I didn't use my cell phone all day long. That NEVER happens. I think that the darn thing is attached to my head sometimes. I even forgot it today when I left for work.

2. Also on Saturday, I went shopping in Georgetown with Melissa and then went shopping again in Rockville. We bought some things for Melissa's apartment. Here are some before & after photos of Melissa's bed and couch. I love the pillows; they make a world of difference.

3. I made plans to go to NYC in December to see the Rockettes with some of my awesome girlfriends. I. Am. So. Excited.
4. Tonight I'm going to a Teitur concert. Whenever I listen to them it makes me think back to when I first moved to San Francisco. I love them.
5. Tomorrow night I'm going to dinner with my friend Josh B. Not to be confused with my other friends Josh P. and Josh V. :) We were EFY partners long long ago in New York when I was 19 or something. Should be way fun to get together; especially since he lives in NYC now.
6. Nina is in town this week. Unfortunately, its because her grandmother is ill. I am glad that I'll get to see her though.
7. Jeff will be in town this week as well. Hopefully we'll get to see each other!
8. If anyone else is coming into town that I don't know about, please cancel your trip and take it another time. I don't have time for you. :)
9. I'm starting my colon cleanse today. The first day you're supposed to cut half of what you normally eat out, so when I had to toss half my yummy teriyaki chicken in the garbage, it made me sad. I'm going to stick with this though. I am regaining self-control this week. I can do this.
10. You know what a cat looks like when it eats something that it doesn't like? That's what Michael looked like when I fed him a Mochi ball at lunch.

On a more random note, here are some great pictures of Melissa and me from this weekend. I love you girl. Its always good to be with someone who knows you incredibly well and loves you despite it all.

You may be wondering what the post-its have written on them. Melissa asked me how many boys I'd kissed since moving to San Francisco. I told her and then she asked me what my tally was up to these days. We both made lists and proudly wore them through the rest of dinner. I plead the 5th on how big or small my writing may have been to get them all on one little post-it. :)


Steve said...

so what is the magic number???

Steph said...

haha you wish!

Kimberly Badger said...

Hey no need to plead the 5th! I just clicked on the picture to enlarge it and I'm pretty sure that it's about 12. Good thing that I live in AZ so you can't come beat me down for posting this! Ha! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

there is a lot of grey area in this. The number varies on your definition of a kiss.