Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Things I've learned recently:

1. I decided last week that I was going to exercise every day this week. So far, so good. I've learned that I'm incredibly out of shape. That's why there's tomorrow though, right? My lungs have been hurting all day from my "run" this morning. My grunting is worse than usual. Sorry guys.
2. I miss country music a lot. On Sunday Buck and I sang along to a bunch of country music at the airport and it brought back a lot of good memories. I created a George Strait playlist on pandora today and it has made me very happy all day long. Darn you San Francisco and your non-existant country radio stations!
3. I can't stand my new bangs. I want to shave them.
4. My grandma doesn't smile for pictures. I'm not sure why.
5. I think that Melissa just might get married this summer. Mel, if you read this, I am SO happy for you.
6. If you ever get caught holding hands and nuzzling with someone at Taco Bell and run into people that you know, don't immediately drop "someone's" hand because then you look really dumb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As stated previously tonight. . . . . "I've got your gordita right here!" If you know what I mean. . . In bed!