Friday, November 3, 2006

Travelling shmavelling.

So before the year ends (and there are only 8 weeks left) I'll be in Las Vegas, Utah, New Orleans, New York, and Utah again. I wanted to apologize in advance for the lack of blogging that will be happening in the near future. My life has been insane the past month at work with all of the preparations for my big meeting. Hopefully everything will go well and I'll survive to tell the tale. At this point its either smooth sailing or complete disaster. I'll blog when the opportunity presents itself, but please don't be completely disappointed if it isn't very often.

A year ago today, Jeff and I went on our first date. Oh how time flies. Not sure why that was written on my calendar at work, but it was. Jeff, if you read this, Happy Anniversary. Scott, if you read this, Happy Birthday. I hope you like your birthday present. I doubt you'll cry when you get it like I did when you gave me mine, but I'll be optimistic about it. I can picture your reaction in my mind and it does make me smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

with all these travels i feel bad for all those hot guys who have to wait even longer to go out with you! Let alone gain the courage to ask you out.