Thursday, March 1, 2007


I am happy to report that I realized just a few minutes ago that I've met 1 of my new years resolutions already. #9 was to read 5 books this year and I finished it before March! I am awesome, if I do say so myself. I'm still working on the other 9, but so far I've kept up with all of them. #8, which was to go to bed earlier is definitely lagging a little, but I am trying. With such an ambiguous goal, it deserves an ambiguous resolve. I will try to go to bed earlier and some of the time, I will succeed in going to be earlier than other nights.

So the 5 books I read:
1.Briar Rose
2. Sister Bernadette's Barking Dog
3. Tortilla Flat
4. To Kill a Mockingbird
5. London is the Best City in America

I'm currently reading The Awakening by Kate Chopin and am really enjoying it so far. While I've loved my reading goal, the other resolutions need to step it up into high gear. I really need to get working on #1, #4, and #10 is mostly done. #7(run a half marathon in june) is going to be completed in May and since I can already go 7.5 miles, I'll have no problem meeting that one. I've never loved my resolutions more.

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