Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fine and Dandy

Things have been a bit busy at work the past few days and I can't seem to find the charger for my camera, which is why I haven't posted any pics from my life in a while. I'm a great detective but a moderate maid, so hopefully I'll find my charger soon and my life will be back on display for all to see. I would like to put up some pictures from Silvia's "Drop it like its hot" birthday party, but she's out of town in Hawaii right now, so I can't get the pics until she gets back.

What did you think of Idol last night? And did this surprise you??


Sherry Ashford said...

I had mixed feelings about AI last night. Can't wait to see who ends up going home, and really who will win the whole thing.

Unknown said...

This is actually the first season I've watched American Idol (i know i know, get over it) and frankly, I was not terribly impressed with anyone last night excpet for Blake, and he was H.O.T.T!! Everyone else was "eh" for me, although Baldy and Sanjaya kind of gave me the creeps. Shudder. Stop giving longing looks directly at the camera! (Ahem, Sanjaya) You're freaking me out!