Thursday, April 5, 2007

Granddaughter's Weekend

I've been waiting to post about Granddaughter's Weekend until I got some pictures back and wha-la, my cousin Theres sent them just a minute ago. Here are all of my Grandma's granddaughters at her house in Vallejo. Our parents all grew up sitting on that porch and the first thing I did when I woke up Saturday morning was take Hannah out on the porch for her breakfast. There's something special about that little spot in the world. In fact, its probably my favorite place to be. ever. I played on it as a child when I lived across the street and it makes me sad to know that my children will never get the chance.This picture is of all of the granddaughters and great-granddaughters in our little Zundel fam. From left to right there's Allison, me, Hannah, Gram, Cameron, Theresa, Taylor, & Megan. It was just so awesome to be together. Hopefully this won't be the last time.

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