Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Hydricks

A few months ago I got an email from a girl I used to live with WAY back in the day when I was living in Rexburg, Idaho. Casey and I were only roommates for 8 months when we were both 19, but if you know me well, you've probably heard me talking about that apartment of girls. We moved into Birch Plaza, apartment 303 in August of 2000. Me, Toni, Casey, Sarah, Auds, Glaucia, & Ali. I've said many many times that if I could go back and re-live any year of my life, I'd go back there in a heart beat. We laughed quite a bit and just plain enjoyed each other's company. In following years, I didn't have quite the same experience. I'm just glad that I appreciated it while it was happening.

So going back to Casey. She emailed me. Her parents live about 30 miles outside of Sacramento and she was going to be in town until this morning. I jumped on the chance to see her, so yesterday I was able to drive up north a few hours and spend the evening with a wonderful family. The last time I had seen her was at her wedding reception and since then she and her husband had produced a beautiful little girl named Savannah who I was dying to see!

I didn't take these (I still can't find my darn camera charger) but Casey sent these to me a few months ago:
This is Casey's mom Bev with Savannah.

Here is the whole family. Gabe is the oldest son and he's the tall one in back. Casey and I were roommates when he and his wife, Jill were married, so it was great to see them too. I didn't know this until yesterday, but they live just a few miles down the road. Awesome!!
Casey is the one in the bottom left and her husband Jacob is front and center. Seriously; it was so great to see all of them (well, everyone but Mari and her husband). Casey's dad set her up with her husband, so I've been told that if I go back to visit them in July when Casey & Jacob move to Sacramento, he'll set me up on a date. Woohoo! :)

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