Thursday, April 26, 2007

Ties That Bind

A few months ago I was doing a search on blogger and out of curiosity I typed in "Zundel". I found the blog of this guy who lives in Milwaukee and is going to medical school. I think I commented on his blog and said that we're probably related, but then it felt out of my memory bank and didn't contact him again. A few months later when this was posted on my blog, I got a comment from someone named Tracy (as seen if you clicked on the link) who said that he was pretty sure we're related after watching that video. Who wouldn't want to be related to any one of the girls in that video? duh. Well, today we finally figured out how we're connected and as it turns out, it's not only through genetics.
Here are the ways:
1. I randomly found his blog and commented on it...and in return, he checks my blog.
2. His old roommate is dating my old roommate's sister.
3. He met one of my best friend's dad's the other day and soon after their introduction, Dad Wilson said "Are you related to Stephanie Zundel?"
4. I click on his blog today and learn that a good friend of mine has been a frequent commenter on his blog for a while. Why she never asked if we are related, I'll never know. Busted!
5. We're third cousins once removed. I won't bother you with those details unless you really want to know.

Ladies and Gents, let me introduce you to my wonderful cousin Tracy.
For those of you who think this is weird and that third cousins is a stretch, keep in mind that I know most of my second cousins (on both sides of my family) and I actually spent the better part of my weekend with a bunch of second cousins(and their parents and/or children). Most importantly, don't forget that I live with my fifth cousin...and that, my friends, is no accident.


Anonymous said...

Haha! I totally thought I sent you the link to his blog! Maybe I didn't... can't remember. If I didn't, I must have convinced myself that I had. Want an even further evidence of how small the blogging world is? I found Tracy's blog through my friend Vanessa's blog...he's in her friends list, I've been reading it ever since. AND, Vanessa also has links to a couple of SF girls that are linked on The New Awesome...smaller and smaller...AND to make it even crazier - while all this blog linking took place, Vanessa was living in Beijing. Yeah, wierd!

Anonymous said...

Yea, 5th cousins rule!

Anonymous said... many second cousins do you have, anyway? I'm not sure I know the names of all my first cousins (although, in my defense, there are about fifty of them).

Steph said...

Well I have 17 first cousins, but including the spouses, that's 34...and yes, they're ALL married except for me. If you add children to that, there are 56. I know the names of all of them. That's not including any of my second cousins...those are just first cousins.