Monday, May 21, 2007

SF Botanical Garden

On Saturday I went to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens with some friends and it was amazing! I can't believe that I hadn't ever been before. There were plants there that I had never even thought existed. It just seemed like every time I turned a corner there was something else to be amazed at. I didn't take these pictures, but they're all of plants at the Botanical Gardens. Enjoy.
This plant was huge and all of the little spiny things were like little sticks. Kinda like a huge wooden koosh ball. Remember those?
This cactus plant was super cool. Kinda like lettuce, but mostly like a wound up cactus.
Bamboo shoots.
Who knows what this is...but isn't it awesome?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! I can think of something I'd like to do! I'm a sucker for gardens, and those caviar-covered brussel sprouts just may be my new favorite... what are those?