Friday, August 24, 2007


Life has been crazy for me the past month or so. I fell asleep on the couch tonight at 7:30...but I was awoken by the vibrations of my phone. I'm an expert at not reacting appropriately when my phone is yelling at me, so I got up, went upstairs, put my PJs on, and got into bed(all without answering the phone or checking the voicemail). I read for about 10 minutes and turned out the light. About an hour later, I turned the light back on and pulled out the lappy.

I'm going through a weird transition right now. And I just don't know what to do about it.

About a year ago I realized that the friends I had upon moving to SF were all "gone" in some way or another. Emotionally AND physically. Many of you know details on that, so I don't have to go there. But its still a weird thing for me to think about. I lost a large chunk of my life all at once basically. Luckily, I had some friends there to hold my hand along the way and fill in the gaps. I am actually pretty good at that.

But this last month has been brutal.

Best friend MM who I talk to everysingleday got married and although our friendship hasn't really changed, I can't exactly call her at 11pm (or 8pm for that matter) anymore. She has different things on her mind. I've spoken to her twice in the past 3 weeks for 10 minutes. Ouch.

Best friend MD (who is always good about mending arguments and such) and I got in a fight while I was in UT. I do the "right" thing and try and talk to him about it, and it backfires. We haven't spoken in 2 weeks. Ouch.

My boss who is also my good friend is going on maternity leave starting tomorrow for 4 months. The only possible good thing about this is the potential for taking naps under her desk if I need one. Ouch.

The day I get back from UT, a friend tells me that my roommate is moving. And in two weeks. Oh, did I mention that she's been my "other half" for the past year and a half? Ouch.

One of my other really close friends got engaged. I'm happy for her; and sad about the fact that I never see her anymore. Ouch.

In June, I lost 7-8 friends to their dental careers. Ouch.

Its on days like this, that I just want to call my Mom...oh, but wait. She's in friggin' Mallorca still and I. can't. call. her. Ouch.

Seriously, sorry for the pity party, but its just the way things are going right now.


MrsEm said...

I feel like this is a sad reality of becoming an's harder to connect with friends.

You should plan a big dinner party to get everyone together!

Anonymous said...

Man girl! You need a vacation. What do you say we run away to San Diego next weekend? ;o) By the way you can call me ANY time girl.

Steph said...

Emily -good idea. maybe i'll do that in a few weeks when a few of these stressful changes are over.

Kim- good idea. I'll meet you there. ;)

Beverly B. said...

It's also the sad reality of beeing a single adult. People move on and sometimes you get left behind. Those were the times that I felt the most alone, but I think it is a good thing in some ways because it will force you to stretch yourself in different directions and meet new people.

Unknown said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I know these last few months have been rough and I wish there was something I could do or say to make it better. I love you to pieces, hang in there and keep your chin up.


Melissa said...

In my defence... over the past 3 weeks, I got married, went on a honeymoon, had 2 open houses and went back to work. I love you! Call me tonight.

Justin and Silvia said...

I love you too Steph. I know that Ive got engaged but I still love hanging out with you ... We're going to have a lot of fun this weekend in San Diego. Are you going to FHE tonight?

Aaron DTS Miller said...

in Melissa's "defence" she grew up in Wisconsin and that is how defense is spelled. I hereby give you permission to call Melissa anytime, except for when she is at the store with me, because then I wander aimlessly putting weird things in the cart since Melissa is 100% distracted, and doesn't realize it until she is unloading the bags into the fridge. Also we watched the filming of your toast a couple nights ago, it was pretty awesome. You are pretty awesome, and by that I mean a really attractive awesome.

Steph said...

Thank you everyone for your comments and for making me feel loved. :)

aaron, your comment made me laugh out loud, so thank you.