Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Play Catch-Up

On Thursday of last week, I felt like I was running away from a pending tidal wave. Good news - no tidal wave ever came and everything worked out perfectly. Not that I had time to rest though from the stress and endless list of things to do. I feel like I've been gone for so long. Where have I been? Well, lets play catch-up, shall we?

My trip to Vegas was a blast. Here I am with Rebekah making $13.00 out of the $5.00 I originally had at a penny slot machine at some casino in Las Vegas. I went to so many casinos over the course of 4 days that I sure can't remember where I was when this picture was taken. About two minutes later, my $5.00 was gone. Big surprise. Oh, the things I could have done with $13.00! Blast! :)

Later on in the evening, Rebekah and I were walking through Planet Hollywood - I do remember where I was then - where they happened to be filming Prison Break. Dominic Purcell was standing right in front of us - so we tried to get a picture with him in the background. That worked out just about as well as my picture of the Rock of Gibraltar.

Our last night in Vegas was spent at a Styx concert. We stood in a pool and watched the entire thing - trying to sing along with as much as we could, even with our limited knowledge of their songs. When their guitarist talked about how he wrote a song about his brother coming home from Vietnam, I knew I was a bit young to fully appreciate the awesomeness of this concert.

And to prove to you that the picture above was not zoomed in at all, here is me and Rebekah standing in the pool in front of the stage with our nerd lanyards on.

On Wednesday I flew home and read Eclipse- and when I say that I read it, I mean that I read all of it. Obsessed with vampires much? Sheesh! My only day in the office all week was Thursday, so most of that day was a blur. I had to finish my CMP application (Certified Meeting Professional), go to a bunch of meetings, go through a gazillion emails, etc. By midnight, I was packed and ready to be on bridesmaid duty for the weekend. On Friday morning, I flew down to Orange County to go to my best friend Kim's wedding. Doesn't she look incredible? Everything about it was wonderful - I've never seen her so happy in her entire life. And I've known the girl for more than 15 years.

Being on bridsmaids duty with these lovely ladies was a blast. We had so much fun together. And I really love how the wedding colors turned out - all of the family was wearing white and turquoise and it looked awesome. Great color choices if you ask me.

Of course we were up to no good while at the reception. Kim's husband comes from a family of 10 children (!) where they give each other totally racey things at bridal showers and bachelor parties, but we somehow ended up in charge of decorating the getaway car and putting honeymoon appropriate things in their car and luggage. If I ever ask you for the keys to your car at your wedding and I say "You can trust me", I am totally lying to you. I'm just saying.

And yesterday before coming home, I was able to enjoy the nice weather for one more day and spend some time with Jeff in Huntington Beach. Yesterday, the name Jeffanie was born (or you can spell it Jephanie if you prefer) and it makes me laugh every time I think about it, so I thought I'd share that extra tidbit. Such a fun day!

The last four weeks in a row have been so wonderful. The next few coming up should be good, but I'm not sure they can live up to the weeks before them. And can you believe that there are only 6 more weeks until OCTOBER? Holy cow. Where has the summer gone? And when can I take a break and finish reading Breaking Dawn?!!??!?!


Anonymous said...

Breaking Point? Or Breaking Dawn?


Erica said...

babe by styx. my favorite.

Amy said...

I'm glad you're hooked on vampires too; now I don't feel so silly:)