Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Halloween Night

The fun never seems to end. Tonight Kristy and I went trick-or-treating and then hit up the Castro with some friends. Its late and I'm tired, but here are some pics from our eventful evening. Oh...and FYI, we left a few minutes before 10 people were shot. Awesome. Not really.Dave went as Slash..

Derek went as Bob Ross. Judy is admiring his work.

This was our view as we left...and right before the shooting. That was the intersection of Castro & Market at 10:30pm.

Paris & Nicole in the Castro.
Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Dolly Parton, Penguin, Spider Girl, Austin Powers girl.


Unknown said...

Heard about the shootings!! Totally insane! Good to know you are all ok, you look fabulous (like always)

Jason Graham said...

I think you should change the name of your blog to "This is my life in a digital nutshell". Anyway, you get that couch yet. Let's make out sometime.

Steph said...

when my couch comes in, I'll be sure to let you know.