Monday, November 20, 2006

Official Fire Fighter

My day on Saturday was filled to the brim. I went to breakfast with friends to my new favorite place, the Grove. I'm definitely going to become a regular for their awesome hot chocolate alone! I spent the rest of the day getting ready for the Jazz Thanksgiving Dinner that I had helped plan as a church activity. Silvia, Mike, and I had gone during the day to setup the lights and then gone home to get ready. We went back at 4:30 to finish setup and to our surprise, the Chinese branch thought that they had scheduled the building for an activity when the reality was a bit different. Luckily the missionaries were there at the church and a member of the Chinese branchy was nice enough to help us redo the lights and haul the ladder all around the cultural hall. I was stressed, but it looked great in the end. Unfortunately, the band was a no-show. I'm not sure what happened, but luckily, Seth taught me a few years ago how to setup an ipod with the old speakers that we have at the church. I dj'd the rest of the evening on the fly and actually had a lot of compliments despite the requests I got about wanting a slow/fast/salsa/swing song. I think that all in all, the activity was a big success. I'm grateful for everyone who helped out.

Towards the end of the evening, there was a guy who showed up to help us out in the kitchen. He looked familiar, but I didn't think much of it. He was helping me carry bags out to my car when we started chatting. Turns out he just moved to Utah from DC and when I was in DC with Mauri a few months ago, she took me to his goodbye party. RANDOM! Why do weird things happen to me all the time? Speaking of weird things. I had a dream last night that Tommy and I were professional ice dancers in Tonga, but that it was maybe it wasn't Tonga, but Rick Buck was there and he told me that it was. We sucked at ice dancing and the herd of giant lions that kept on running down the beach really scared me. Yeah; try to psycho-analyze that one!

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