Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moment of Truth?

Tonight after American Idol, the new show "Moment of Truth" came on. I was intrigued, so I kept watching. The basis of the show is this: Before you go on the air, you are asked a series of yes or no questions while hooked up to a polygraph backstage. You aren't told what your answers are and then you go on stage and in front of not only all of America, but your friends and family, you answer the questions live. If you've told the truth, you get closer to your chance at winning $500,000.

At first, the concept of the game seemed appealing. I hard is it to tell the truth to people that you should already be telling the truth to. After watching about 20 minutes of the show, I changed my mind. Do you tell everyone you know every bad thought you've ever had about them? I mean, if we were all perfect, we'd never have even a bad thought about anyone, but we're human, and to human is to err, right? I really think that the married couple from tonight's show will get divorced over the things that were discussed on National tv.

Did anyone else watch? What are your thoughts? Would you do it for $500,000??


Pace said...

HECK YES! Normally I just get in trouble for telling the truth, but instead I can get 500,000! I'm in

Kimberly Badger said...

Ya I saw it last night. They sure dig deep. You think you don't have any dirt but I'm sure they could come up with something. I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself!

Sealion II said...

For $500,000? Boy, I don't think I have any $500,000 secrets.

But, wow, talk about a stellar example of the degeneration of American culture. Between the money-worshipping and the voyeurism, it seems to be designed to bring out the worst in both the participants and the audience.