Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stoppin' to Smell the Roses

Today I was walking down the beach with my friend and I thought to myself: "Self, you need to slow down a little. Just enjoy things while they are happening and quit worrying so much about the next ten minutes." Am I the only one that does this? For example, this morning when I left to go hiking I kept on thinking: "I can only go for half the day at the most. I have too much to do and I have to get ready for things happening next week, etc." Dude. Why do I do that? Whether I fret about it or not, everything is going to happen, so I might as well stop worrying. I'm not a chronic worrier. I just tend to stress myself out over things once and a while instead of stopping to smell the daisies {--or stopping to video the walker lady when I drive by her.} I hiked about 4 miles down a mountain today and then laid at the beach for a few hours while my friends hiked back up the mountain to get the car. They just picked me up on their way back out of town. Yep, that's right; I'm smart and lazy. I don't think that there can be a better combo. ha.

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