Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In Which I Tell You Where I'm From

Heidi had a great post yesterday where she told us how she is a bona fide European mutt. Well, that got me thinking since I am also a bona fide European mutt. Even though I was an English major and don't really have a great relationship with numbers, I thought I'd gather a little statistical data to see if I could pinpoint my true ancestry. ha.

Well, that is obviously a complicated problem. Since I believe we all came from two individuals, namely Adam and Eve, I could just stop there and say "Hey. I came from the Garden of Eden and my ancestors camped out a few places along the way." Easy, right? Being a little more realistic, I thought I'd take a smaller portion and crunch some numbers. I could obviously keep this going for a few days, but I stopped at 6 generations. Thank you,!

So after a little spreadsheet making and color coding, I arrived at the following results:
**If someone was born in America, they are American, regardless of where their parents are from, according to me.

I am....
41% American
20% English
11% Norwegian
9% Swedish
6% Danish
5% Scottish
4% German
2% Canadian
2% Finnish

Odd that the Iberians all thought I was a native, right? Hello Nothern Europe!
So tell me. Where are YOU from??

1 comment:

Sealion II said...

Let's see--best guess, going back to Europe for everyone:

55% English
12.5% Danish
12.5% German
6.25% Swedish
6.25% Norweigan
6.25% Scotch-Irish
Very small amounts of French, Dutch, and Polish.