Friday, May 9, 2008

Good times.

Yesterday I was driving down Hyde Street on my way home from work when suddenly I remembered something really funny. As I've blogged about before, I have a tradition with my Dad that on Christmas Eve, we go skiing. There is the standard set of 4 people who go - Me, Dad, Matt, and Scott. Well, most years, there are others who end up going with us. Here are some pictures of the past few years for your reference:




A lot of funny things have happened over the years. This last year for example, Scott and my Dad got stuck on the lift for about an hour, so Matt and I spent the entire day going down the bunny hill. Seriously, we went down it about 20 times with intermittent hot chocolate breaks. There was also the time that Scott tried to ski between my legs but missed.

What really made me laugh though yesterday was something that happened in 2006. Uzi, Matt and I were on our first run down the mountain. Matt decided to follow my dad and for some reason, me and Uzi were not far behind (My #1 rule of skiing is to NEVER follow my Dad because he'll take you down a black diamond and then laugh while you're sliding headfirst down the side of a mountain). Of course this lead us to a path through the woods. I'm not a very brave skiier so I had been lagging behind a bit. I saw Uzi and Matt in the middle of the woods but they were stopped - apparently trying to ski over a huge log that was in their way. I started heading towards them down a hill and quickly realized that my skis were in an icy rut of sorts. I was gaining speed and Kristy was about 20 feet in front of me. I knew that I couldn't stop so I started yelling "woah woah woah!!!!" as loud as I could in my panicked state, but Kristy was in the middle of figuring out how to get her and her skis over a log and had no idea that I was coming full speed from behind. Seriously, I ran into her so hard that it knocked us both off our skis into several feet of snow. (Just the visual of this is making me laugh really hard) I was sure that I had killed her but soon realized that she was laughing as hard as I was and the only thing that I could muster to say through my laughter was "Holy crap I think I'm going to wet my pants!".

Ah yes. Good times, good times.


Uzi said...

haa haa haaaa haa haaaaaa
baah haa haaaa haaa haaa
hee heee hoee ho hoo heee haa haa haa haa haa peeing my pants haa ha ahaa snow in gloves aaa haa haaaaa haa a haaaa

Maunderer said...

I really miss spending time with your (our) family. :(