Monday, May 5, 2008

I feel like I have no friends in SF, part 5,000

In my search lately for something to blog about, I was doing a little blog browsing. I mean...everyone these days has a blog so its not too hard to find people from your past and do a little stalking. That's exactly what I did this evening I found some long lost friends- and it is always so great to see that the people you used to know so well are still doing great and of course now my mind has been flooded with a million memories of some fun times from my past.

Facebook has the same functionality for me - it brings the past back into reality which can sometimes be a scary thing. Often I've found myself looking up friends that I had in elementary school and it isn't unusual that I find that they are still hanging out with the same people that they/we were friends with in high school. I guess I still have some friends in my life today that I've known since high school (or before high school) but they aren't a part of my every day life - even though I keep in touch with most of them fairly well.

I guess being a single mormon molds you into the type of person who is okay with a series of goodbyes and new hellos. If you have friends who get married, you/they are automatically moved into another social group - which I totally understand, but doesn't mean that I necessarily like it. Also, I'm not sure if it is the pioneer stock in a lot of us, or if it is due to the stage of life I'm in, but everyone moves. And often. Just yesterday I was sitting in church looking around, thinking that there aren't many people left who have been there longer than I have been. I definitely enjoy meeting new people but it sure would be nice to live close to some really close friends. I do have close friends here in San Francisco, but it sure seems like the numbers are dwindling. And I'm not complaining - just making an observation.

It seems like I blog about this a lot - about how I feel like I have no friends. ha. Not the case. So I just wanted to give a little shout out to my girl, Stout, who has been my most constant bff the whole time I've lived here. This is an old picture, but a goodie, nonetheless.

Love ya, girl. You're the bomb.


Andie said...

dibs on your next bff!

Maunderer said...

dito - Becky's brother lives in SF (about 9 minutes from you) and so it is on our list of places that we would consider moving to next. But if you leave ... hmmm. That is the problem with trying to make plans to live around ppl you love now days - as soon as you move close to them, they move. Go figure.