Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You're It!

The always stylish Emily tagged me this morning. I even yelled "Oh crap!" at my desk when I saw my name at the bottom of her post. ha! Well, since she sends so many readers my way, I guess I should get to this already.

What did you do 10 years ago?
Hmmm - in June of 1998, I was just finishing up my junior year of high school. That summer, my sister went away to college and I spent my July 4th in Philadelphia on the steps of the art museum at a Boyz II Men concert with my friend Brandy and my Dad. Oh yes. You are jealous. I can feel it. Here's a blurry picture of a picture I took on my phone of me with Jacque back then. (ahem - I'm the one on the right)

Five items on your to-do list:
  1. Clean the carpet in my bedroom.
  2. Finalize plans for this weekend.
  3. Go running
  4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep tonight.
  5. Celebrate with my friend tonight - today was her last day at work! Yahoo!
Snacks I enjoy:
I love, love, love fresh fruit. Honey pretzel sticks, guacamole, dried fruit, and edamame are also at the top of the list. I'm not a huge snacker to be honest though. I either build my life around the food or I don't eat. Reallllly bad habit.

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Well, that's a hard question. The first thing that comes to mind is to quit my job and move to Europe or somewhere glamorous and then start traveling more. The reality though is that I'd probably just want to be with my friends and family more than I already am. Based on some experience I've had with roommates who have no jobs, I don't think I'd ever want to do that. I'd probably just work part time and spend the rest of the time visiting/traveling with the people I love.

Places I would live:
San Francisco, Madrid, Cape Cod/Martha's Vineyard, the Outer Banks, Charleston, or Capri. Really though, I just hope to end up living in Asheville, NC, next door to Jacque.

Jobs I have had:
Since my family had its own business while I was growing up, I've been working since I was about 8 years old. I can run envelopes through a postage machine better than most anyone you know, I bet. My first "real" job was at Hallmark and my favorite duty there was putting the cards out - I loved reading the cards and still do, as a matter of fact. Every summer during college I worked as a camp counselor at EFY. I've talked about it before. I loved it. Then I moved to San Francisco and got a job as a registration project coordinator. That job was a joke and I hated it - well, mostly it was just the people I worked with. And now, I work for a medical association and I really love my job. And I say this although I had some doctors yell at me today for really stupid reasons.

And now I'm tagging....Camie, Melissa R, Heather S. Boo-ya!

1 comment:

Camie said...

Are you kidding me?