Thursday, July 10, 2008

NC Part 1: In Which I Tell You About Some Places That I Love

Would you like to take a walk down memory lane with me?

When my family moved to North Carolina, I was only 7 years old. Going from Vallejo, California to Matthews, North Carolina was quite a big change. Before moving, I was sure that we were not only moving to another state, but to another country. It was incredibly humid outside, the locals talked funny, and we lived in the middle of the woods, but my sister and I thought we'd died and gone to heaven by moving into this "mansion" of a house. :) So many memories here - prom pictures, sledding down the hill during the ice storms, and many more. We lived here for 12 years and it is still weird for me to think that some random people are in my house.

We lived pretty far back in our neighborhood - we were exactly one mile away from the entrance to the main road. I told my mother once that we would have saved years of our lives if we had only moved into a house up by neighborhood gate. But if we would've done that, I wouldn't have grown up seeing this house every day:

This picture is definitely for my family since I don't think that anyone else would understand. Notice the Datsun sitting out front and the huge bushes. Look familiar? Sometimes it is nice to know that some things never change.

The night before I left, Jacque and I decided to go grab a bite to eat at my favorite taco bell in the entire world. This was our crew's meeting place in high school - the movie theater is next door and a lot of exciting things happened here for some people. (ahem) And there were teenagers loitering in the parking lot by the time we left. I'm glad they got the memo about what Providence High School students should be doing on a Saturday night.

And the last picture may be one of my favorites. Almost every weekend of my teenage years was spent here at my friend's parent's house. If I was out past curfew on any given night of the week, you could bet a lot of money that this is where I was. Oh, the memories.

Since I've moved around so much during the past 9 years (I've changed my address 11 times and had 35 roommates since I left for college). Hold on. Sorry - I'm still caught up on the fact that I've had 35 roommates in the past 9 years. Holy crap! What was I saying? Oh yes. Since so much has been inconsistency in my life in recent years, it was nice to know that some things don't change; like the colors of the shutters on the house I grew up in - that the same neighbors still live across the street, that the weirdos who live by the stop sign are still weirdos!

I guess that's what I love so much about North Carolina. Things don't change there as much as they do in my own life. It is perfect in its own quirky ways and it was exactly what I needed this past weekend. More to come tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Ah the memories! The sleep overs, the birthday parties, the Gunsons, Taco Bell, The Arboretum and glorious Providence High. Too funny!

Pace said...

ooch I didn't even get my name in there, just "my friend". It's ok steph I know you had the biggest crush on me and that's why it's painful to remember those times. Just get over it, I was the sexiest teenage boy in NC with long flowing comb over hair and a solid 1.5 pack of abs. Thanks for the fuzzy night time pic of my garage by the way. PS Joy really likes your old house.