Friday, July 18, 2008

Sign Girl

Yesterday I met a lot of "famous to me" people at the Westin St. Francis. I got a gig holding a sign for a blog-related party with BlogHer and it was really interesting hiding myself behind a sign and watching all of these women from all over the country who know each other through this medium that you're getting to know me through right now.

So many people who I have read about and laughed about were right there - and I didn't say a thing about having a blog or knowing any of them. All of this made me think about the reasons that I blog. Really, it came down to one thing. It is for me. I don't really care who reads it or if I'm not connecting with my readers as well as I could, and heck - I certainly don't want to make money off it (at least right now). I'm not in the business of marketing my blog for reasons other than a good laugh now and again. I'm so grateful for the friends that I've made because of this thing - seriously - there are lots of you out there that I wouldn't have ever known otherwise.

Has anyone out there had any experiences like this? Hiding behind a mask so that you could just watch the action even when you're kind of in the middle of it?

PS - Whoorl's hair is just as fabulous in person. Just thought you should know.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I found your blog a year ago when I googled a guy I briefly dated (you mentioned him in an old entry). Anyway, he's history now but I sort of got addicted to your blog and I check it out from time to time. Wow, that sounds stalkerish but I swear I'm not a stalker :) This post made me think I should at least say "hi."

Take care,

Karen Hopkins said...

Go for the blond!!