Thursday, July 17, 2008

Open Letters

Dear Ben,
I have thoroughly enjoyed drooling over you for the past year, but my crush has to end. I know that right now you are mad at Felicity, but you have been really dumb and I can't take it anymore. Good thing we are breaking up within the next few weeks when I am done with season 4 because you are constantly a train wreck waiting to happen. Granted, you're a really hot train wreck, but still.
With love,
Steph who can't take the drama

Dear Parents,
It is really frustrating that you live on the other side of the world so that I can only talk to you before 12pm or after 11pm. I am not in the habit of plugging in my blue tooth, so I can't talk to you on my way to work, which is also incredibly inconvenient. Maybe I should call you right now while I am on my lunch break.

Your Loving Daughter

Dear Mosquitos,
Stop sucking my blood while I am sleeping. Yesterday I counted 9 bites on my right arm alone. Seriously - stop. The only ventilation I get in my bedroom is if I leave the patio door open, so if you wouldn't mind going to draw blood from some dog instead, that would be great.

Itchy & Scratchy


Ben and Bethany said...

You are so cute!

Beverly B. said...

I was going to say that too.

Gotta love Felicity.

Thanks for the memory. I almost forgot our "special" chocolates.