Monday, November 17, 2008

Did I forget to mention....

This weekend was packed - very tiring, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Last night I could hardly keep my eyes open at 10:15pm, so I climbed in bed quite happily at such an early hour. With all the hustle and bustle that work has been the past few months, I'm not sure if I ever mentioned a little trip that I'm taking next week....

to Costa Rica...

Did I? Even my roommate didn't know I was going, so yeah. Next Monday I leave for 5 days and I'm heading to Central America. This week I need to find some shorts. Anyone know where I can buy shorts in November? I have a friend who once got a worm in his leg after going to Costa Rica - maybe I just need a new pair of jeans. And based on the weather forecast, a rain poncho.

Pictures from this weekend, coming right up.


Joy said...

Aw JEALOUSY, that is my favorite country in the world! Bring me back some Yipys, some Chickys, and some Bubys (the first 2 are cookies and the last one is candy-- have you had them already?)! Although I do love them purely for their names, they are also quite tasty! Have fun!!!

Erica said...

fun fun fun! have a blast! while you're soaking up the rain forest i'll be on the sands of hawaii. safe travels to you lady!