You guys - my roommate needs your help and she needs it by 1pm California time TODAY! Are you up for the challenge? Please leave your vote in the comments section and I will send it to her before she gets her hair cut this afternoon.
...and you thought election season was over.
Here she is right now. And while Paul would love for us to vote on his hair, please keep in mind that the voting is only for Kirsten and although the hair color may slightly vary from picture to picture, it will not be changing. Ok. Please vote!
C please. Your weekend plans may depend on it.
I like C, too.
C or D. I like them both.
Yeah, its c. The other ones are awful.
I think A. Definately A.
c & d are our votes.
I think she should go for A. It's a little more cutting edge, but she probably is scared of "short"hair. Tell her to go for it.
I think C is totally hot, but A looks much easier to deal with on a regular basis (coming from someone who just went through a similar cut)
Steph, why are you making me vote on this? We all know Kirsten is too scared to cut her hair dramatically. Think of all the clients I could be prospecting instead of staying up to date on your blog.
Besides those general opinions, I like A :)
I think A. I actually love C, but Kirsten, your hair won't look like that in the end! I think A is more stylish right now, and as someone said earlier about the shorter hair... go for it! (it will always grow out) ;) Go for A!
2nd place = C
C for sure!
A or C
C or .. shorter :):)
And tomorrow's vote will be on what song Blair and I should dance to?!
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