Sunday, February 22, 2009

San Diego Recap

I had a problem the other night - my shift key wouldn't work, which prevents me from logging into my blog and somehow at work they've figured out how to block the blogger dashboard. Dag nabit! Ah well. So here I am blogging on Saturday for your weekend enjoyment.

This last weekend in San Diego was good. Really good. I was pretty busy though, and didn't find a whole lot of time to take pictures. I spent the better part of Friday in a car with the bride and groom and not to say that wasn't riveting, ...ahem..., but car pictures aren't so exciting. So I decided to spare you. One of my favorite things about being a bridesmaid is that even though you're there because you're friends with the bride, you typically don't spend much time with her. There is much more quality time spent with bridesmaids. Usually, these are people that I've never met before, but because we have good friends in common, it isn't hard to become fast friends. Of course this happened with Arianne. We were quite the dynamic duo for the big wedding weekend. Printing 8x10" pictures at Wal-Mart minutes while the luncheon was going, check. Giving the photographer attitude because she didn't listen to the bride's request for picture taking order and then proceeded to take forever long with the photos, check. Yeah - when you need someone around who isn't afraid to give someone attitude when they deserve it, bring me along. ...

So yeah - here we are at Blair's parents house, with San Diego sprawled out behind us. Quite an amazing view, isn't it?

Serendipity stepped in and two of my dearest friends from SF who now live in LA came to the reception. It didn't even dawn on me that they would be there. After a stressful day with hair issues and wardrobe malfunctions, this was exactly what the doctor ordered. Oh how I heart Todd and Dan. Really, really heart them.

After the reception, my best friend from high school who also happened to be vacationing in San Diego picked me up. I saw this little guy last July in North Carolina, but to get a smile from him like this was one of the highlights of my entire weekend:

As you all know, I've taken up running over the past few years. Jacque is my running idol. I've been at the finish line for a few races that she's run over the years and so when I told her that I'd taken up running as my new hobby, she was shocked. (To say the least.) On Monday afternoon, she asked me to go for a run even though rain was eminent. We only went about 4 miles - (yes, Jacque, I looked it up) but we had to get a picture for proof. I'm pretty sure she's still in shock that we went for a run together.

And what have I been up to the last few nights? Sewing patches (WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING PATCHES) on my friend's bag. He's been allowing me to schlep his bag around the world the past year and so in exchange, I got patches of all the places I've taken his bag so that he can have proof. After 3 days, I finally getting feeling back in my pointer finger from pushing the needle through all those *(&#(*$&! layers of fabric.

Also - here is a picture of my incredibly straight hair. I am loving every second of it. If you'd like more info on where to get this done - for only $120(I paid over $550 the first time) I can totally hook you up. Because I'm generous like that.

Have a fabulous weekend. :)


Amy said...

I'm loving your hair lately (both in the up and the down pictures); it looks hot!

Alyssa said...

So not fair!

Karlie said...

Love the hair. I wish I had you as a bridesmaid at my wedding.

Uzi said...

why do I feel like I've met Arianne before? this is strange!

Uzi said...

um, totally hit me last night why her cute face looks so familiar....... haaa ha haa haaa!