I have been meaning to blog for a few weeks, but have been too tired. On Saturday, I was supposed to be at a ward activity (which I was in charge of) and instead I laid down on top of my unmade bed and slept for 3 hours in the middle of the day. Exhaustion, perhaps?
About 2.5 weeks ago, I got a call from my dad that he and my mom were in a motorcycle accident. He said that they were both fine, but they both had broken right legs and were in the hospital. He vaguely mentioned that my mom had been in the ICU, but I figured that this was probably just due to my mom's various medical issues. At that point, I wasn't too worried. Fast forward a few days and I get the full story: my dad's leg was broken in 2 places and my mom's leg was shattered (luckily just below the knee). There was a 50/50 chance that she would lose her foot. Needless to say, times were not good. A week after the accident, my mom was flown from Mallorca to Valencia so that a specialist could look at her foot/leg to decide what its fate would be. Since then, she has had 2 surgeries including a skin graft and has been in Valencia figuring out how to communicate in her broken Spanish. Despite the sheer amount of time that my parents have lived in Spain during their lifetimes, my mom never learned Spanish. It is unfortunate that her crash/survival course has come at a time like this. Of course the members of the Church have come to the rescue and have sent women to spend the night with her every day and help her at mealtimes. My dad has even asked them to smuggle in food. Jamon y queso really is the cure-all. My dad got out of the hospital this last week, but since he has a medieval torture device attached to his leg still, he can't go see my mom quite yet. Things are looking up for my parents, but it looks like they will be spending the next 10 months at least in Spain making sure that my mom is able to walk again. Sending some prayers up for them is still appreciated. It has been a rough go.
And now that the bad news is out of the way, let me tell you what has been going on here in New York.
This sign was on the sidewalk of an elementary school on the Upper West Side. I <3 NYC!
Did I mention that the reason that we had this girly weekend was kind of a bachelorette weekend for Liz?!?? She is getting married in August and I couldn't be more thrilled for her.
Food carts in New York are one of my favorite things. Food carts from restaurants I love are a double bonus. Since Tavern on the Green is currently closed, they have the back open with picnic tables - and that view of Sheep's Meadow. (lamb tacos at Sheep's Meadow anyone?) Really - how can this place get better???
My friend Jackie gave me a guide to New York before moving here and one of the things I decided I was going to take part in was the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island. Please note that I did not look up the website before deciding to go. So yeah - I saw more boob than I planned on. :) But since Liz and Annette were here and we were all the way out at Coney Island, we decided to pay up and ride the Cyclone ($8 per ride...) I will say 2 things about the ride: 1. I am glad we did it. 2. Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Me and Dani
Todd & his twin, Tyson. They don't look as much alike in this photo as they do in real life...
Brandy was one of my closest friends in high school and I am so lucky that we have remained close even though we haven't lived in the same town since 1998-ish. She was in town visiting her husband's family this last week, so we got to hang out one evening. She has the cutest little boys and the nicest husband/family. I have said this before, but it makes me happy to know that high school Stephanie had good taste in her friends - and I'd choose the same friends today. I love this pic. So cute.
On Friday my boss brought his kids into the office. Tiny British people! It was so fun having them in the office - not that we got a lot of work done, but being able to play with little ones was great. Good for my soul, for sure. The little girl just came and sat in my lap a few times - bliss.
So. In summary - its been a whirlwind. Also, because all of my posts in the last few months have mentioned running, you should know that I'm taking a running class. And I kick it in the trash every week - for once I am one of the best in my class. I loooove it.
Ok now leave some comments, friends.
ohh, so sad about your parent's accident! I certainly will be praying for them. And the rest of your life is always very interesting and I wish I could have gone to a Mermaid parade too.
that is so sad about your parents. i will pray for them too and for you! loves being sent your way!
you're hair is so blonde!
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