Friday, July 7, 2006

Coming clean

I came clean to my roommate yesterday...and now its time to come clean to the rest of you random readers. I DO NOT LIKE YOGURT. I have tried so many, many times. I remember a few years ago I was hanging out with a boy pretty consistently for a few weeks and one night we were at the grocery store, buying ingredients to make a cake. After buying the essentials, my male friend asked if I'd like to get a yogurt for a little treat. I explained to him that I didn't like yogurt, but he said that it was just because I hadn't tried his favorite kind yet. I caved. I tried it. I hated it. Yesterday after settling down at my desk, I was hungry. Rebekah invited me to walk to Starbucks with her(this is only across the street) to get breakfast. I took her up on the offer, but decided that I need to cut back on the non-fat hot chocolate despite its non-fatness. They were out of fruit cups and of course the only other semi-healthy option was a yogurt-granola-fruit parfait thing. I decided that maybe I didn't really hate yogurt after all and that I could try it again and that maybe with the fruit, I'd really like it. wrong. I hated it. Again. To all you yogurt lovers out there, I salute you. I don't know how you do it...because the thought of it makes me want to throw up.

Sincerely yours,

1 comment:

Steph said...


what the heck is whale yogurt?