Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ok so I bought internet use in my room tonight

I just got back from Gilly's, which is a country-western restaurant/bar here in Las Vegas. I decided to post some of the pictures from my 8 years...I mean, days here. Tomorrow the show closes and I can't wait for it to all be over so that I can get some rest. I'm not necessarily looking forward to going home since my life here is much more exciting than it is at home, but such is life. Here are some of my favorite pictures from my adventures here. Hope you enjoy.

I am so lucky to have a friend like Brent who not only does an obligatory visit with me while I've been in town, but we've hung out 3 times, with plans for tomorrow night as well. I definitely have had a great time spending time with him. This picture was taken on Friday night when Brent and his friend Bryant came to town to hang out with me. I wore a hat since we were hanging out around 25,000 Ophthalmologists and I wanted to be incognito. I think it worked.

I took a picture with one of my favorite temps named Betty Boop. I'm serious. Her name is Betty Boop and her grandson is a member of The Killers. True story. She WAY overshared a few times, but I walked away with some great stories. She told me that I don't need to worry about falling in love; I just need to marry for money since thats what will make you happy in the end. I'm quoting that from her...not my own philosophy personally. If you'd like the story in person, you just let me know.This is Coleen. She goes to Penn State and she's been helping me work the Advance Registration area here in Vegas. We have had so much fun together; she's awesome. I wouldn't have made it this week without her.

Ah...my girls. They drove all the way from San Fran to hang out in Vegas and sleep in my free hotel room. haha! I'm glad that Silvia was able to experience Vegas and see all the things that there are to see. It was fun to have them here; I just wish I could have spent more time with them.
Brent and I went to see Blueman Group one of the first nights I was here in Las Vegas. I was very unsure about the whole thing but it turned out to be pretty cool and I still don't understand how it was all connected. Basically it was like someone had a bunch of cool ideas for a show, but they didn't go together at all, so they turned it into Blueman. We were in the 5th or 6th row, so we had to wear Ponchos because of the things such as paint, mashed bananas, etc. that fly into the audience during the evening. I thought I was going to have nightmares after one of the blue men stood right in front of us and climbed over our seats. Scary. Ew.My friend Heather's older brother is an Ophthalmologist. I knew that he'd be coming to the show and so based on a previous conversation with Heather, I edited Eric's badge information to say "Heather's Big Brother" instead of Eric Linebarger, MD. I didn't tell anyone that I had done it, so when one of my temps printed out the badge, he just started laughing and decided to wear it during the meeting. He did come back the next day asking for a badge with his real name on it so that he wouldn't get so much flack for it, but I think that it was a hit.
A lot of my friends have heard about the infamous Jeramy. I really hope that he never reads this, but I have to be honest. Because of Jeramy, I've had no need for a boyfriend over the last 10 months. We've talked on the phone at least once a day since March and we've become good friends. Sometimes, he calls me in the morning just to say hello and good morning. On my birthday, he called JUST to say Happy Birthday and that he hoped I'd have a good day. He's a sales manager here at the hotel and he has made my stay in Vegas SUPER enjoyable. We are completely plutonic friends though. For real. He's happily engaged to someone and I'm so happy for him. I don't know what I would have done over the past few months without him; who needs a boyfriend when they've got their own Jeramy?

These are some pictures from tonight. Don't worry; there's a video coming too. I was the first in line to ride the bull tonight at Gilly's and I think I even stayed on longer than the average girl. All my coworkers were around supporting my first attempt at mechanical bull riding. Wow. What a ride. :)
And then I got knocked off. Woo hoo!

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