Sunday, November 25, 2007

I rock, You rock, We all rock.

My most awesome blog-friend-that-I-wish-I-knew-in-real-life, Heather, gave me a "YOU ROCK THE CRIB!" shout-out the other day. Thanks girl!!

Since I'm all about following the leader, I guess I'm supposed to award someone else with this prestigious award. Also, since I happen to be the boss of this blog, I'm going to award it to people who have made a difference to me in my blog world.

1. Have you checked out nienie and her amazing blog? Girl Scout's honor, its the first thing I check every day. It makes me happy.

2. There's no way I could leave Pace & Joy off this list. I started this madness due to their loving encouragement...and because I think that they're awesome. We used to have McBalderdash fairly regularly on their blog and those were good times.

3. Ever need to know what to wear? Emily can help you out. She's also the first blog friend that I ever met in real life. I think she's amazingly stylish and great.

4. Hola Isabel is one of my favorite blogs and I just can't leave it out. Friggin' hilarious.
Check em' out if you haven't already.


Isabel said...

Dude, I need some style help. I must check into this Emily that you speak!

Thanks for the shout out!

The H Factor said...

What the heck...there is no honorable mention for mediocre blogs. You get freaking 50 hits a day....share the love.

Hope you are well.