Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ingredients for a great day

Saturday, the Fish Scientist and Roommate were married.

The wedding suited them perfectly and for me, it was a great day. The top five things about Rebecca & Cameron's wedding day - for me at least:

1. Getting a massage at Bed Bath and Beyond before their wedding reception. Boy oh boy do I have some knots in my back right now. If Rebecca or Cameron is reading this, shield your eyes - your wedding gift is in my hand!

2. Spending time with old and new friends. I finally met Jason's new wife and was even able to spend the day with her! So great! I love her!

3. I am a girl toddler magnet. For some reason, there weren't hardly any boy toddlers at the wedding - but oh. there. were. girls. everywhere. And I was on the dance floor with them all night long. AND I loved every second of it. They even taught me some new moves.

4. The first time I saw a picture of Roommate's brother, I thought he was hot. In person, he was even hotter. He even plays the guitar and sings. And he sang for the newlyweds for their first dance. Did I mention he was hot?

5. Watching people getting coerced into talking to aforementioned hot brother. Priceless.

Congratulations to Rebecca and Cameron. So so so happy for you.

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