Monday, December 15, 2008

America Vs. Brazil

I caught whatever it was that has been going around the past few weeks, so this weekend was pretty low key for me. Well, other than hanging with my parents in Marin to celebrate my Grandmother's 95th birthday!

I stumbled across this gem of a blogpost today and I'd like to keep a little tally in the comments section of who you think is the better dancer - Justin or Silvia. - or as they put it: "America vs. Brazil"

If you'd like to leave a comment anonymously, that is completely acceptable.
I know you will.


Justin and Silvia said...

Thanks for your vote Steph !!! I saw your video too. We love it !!! You guys are so funny !!!

Krissy said...

LOL That video was KILLER. lol I totally loved it. And I wish I was skinny enough ... and had a husband that could WALK normally. Then maybe we could do something awesome like that. lol But we're old, fat and boring these days... lol I need something fun to do. lol

And ya know ... I think I have to go with America on this one. LOL