Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Presidio Relay - or David Parker's 7th Annual San Francisco Relay Race

On Saturday morning, I was in a relay race in the Presidio with some friends. And I'd better tell you before you scroll any further - this post is full of good looking people. Men especially (And women named Rachael). Watch out!

And you can't really tell by the looks of it, but it was absolutely freezing outside. Well, cold for San Francisco and for everyone to be outside for 3.5 hours in it! But here we are - keeping ourselves warm and preparing for the race.

Me and Rachael - in our glamorous weekend outfits. At least this time we actually did go running. Last weekend, maybe not so much. Anyway - moving on.

I know you all love some Marshall. I was lucky that I convinced him to come and run the second 3.5 mile loop for me the night before. He was super speedy - even if he did get lost on the course. Which I find extremely ironic since he's lived in the Presidio for about 6 years now. ha! Now I know that all my married girlfriends out there (ahem -Shelley and Karli) are wondering why I'm not dating these guys. I do believe that at least 3 of them have girlfriends, so there's your advance warning to not give me crap. ha!


Dave & Marshall making the baton hand-off.
Unfortunately, Marshall wasn't quite ready!



I wanted a picture of our 2nd place team - we did really great, no thanks to my 12 minute pace. Seriously - these guys are all so speedy!!! Lucky for the other team, I was a great handicap. :) Right as we were taking the picture, Scott came and put his arms around me all prom style, which made for a hilarious shot if I do say so myself.

The winning team - and I will say that it was OK that they won since they were part of the Young Single Adult team. Rachael won a special award for being the fastest female runner, Scott for having the most amazing sweat band, and Jared for being best dressed and skinniest legs.

Gloating a little, are we?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girlfriend shmirlfriend! Please....these boys should be fighting over you! Inside they are screaming your name I am sure of it! LOL!!! You rock for racing at all. Looked like fun.