Monday, February 9, 2009

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

In 2009, dreams still do come true. I saw the Chinese New Year's Parade in its entirety on Saturday - and what a great parade it was. I'm not sure what it is about parades that I love so much. Maybe the crows, the sense of community, the singing, dancing, etc. All of it. So great. I was having problems locating my camera battery charger for a few days, so here are the mobile pictures...

After the parade, I went with a few friends to see "He's Just Not That Into You." When I read the book, all I could think was "Why am I reading this? It is making me feel like crap about myself." I really hated it. The message of the book is that "you are the rule - NOT the exception like you want to believe you are." Then, of course at the end of the movie, all the women turn out to be the exception instead of the rule. Lame, lame, lame. And more than lame, this movie will have the ability to make you feel more awkward than you ever have been before in a theater. Yikes.

Needless to say, I bolted out of church yesterday before I could talk to any males because now I have a complex. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

And now for some good news - my friend Kristine was in London this past weekend and happened to be in Liverpool station when a reenactment of this happened. Awesome.


kt said...

aw I totally enjoyed the movie! And really just one of the girls was the exception, right?

Piper said...

OK- so I have never wanted to go to England more in my life!! How I wish I were in Liverpool Station to experience such a thing!! Make the best of where you are, right- like actually going to the Chinese New Years Parade... Good for you!

Stacey said...

This is hilarious! I love it!